• To present the fundamentals of digital circuits and simplification methods.
  • To practice the design of various combinational digital circuits using logic gates.
  • To bring out the analysis and design procedures for synchronous and asynchronous Sequential circuits.
  • To learn integrated circuit families.
  • To introduce semiconductor memories and related technology

  • To introduce the components and their representation of control systems.
  • To learn various methods for analyzing the time response, frequency response and stability of the systems.
  • To learn the various approach for the state variable analysis.

  • To introduce the basic notions of vector spaces which will then be used to solve related problems.
  • To understand the concepts of vector space, linear transformations, inner product spaces and orthogonalization.
  • To provide necessary basic concepts in probability and random processes for applications such as random signals, linear systems in communication engineering. 
  • To provide necessary basics in probability that are relevant in applications such as random signals, linear systems in communication engineering. 
  • To understand the basic concepts of probability, one- and two-dimensional random variables and to introduce some standard distributions applicable to engineering which can describe real life phenomenon.
  • To give a comprehensive exposure to all types of devices and circuits constructed with
  • discrete components. This helps to develop a strong basis for building linear and digital
  • integrated circuits
  • To analyze the frequency response of small signal amplifiers
  • To design and analyze single stage and multistage amplifier circuits
  • To study about feedback amplifiers and oscillators principles
  • To understand the analysis and design of multi vibrators
  • To understand the basic properties of signal & systems
  • To know the methods of characterization of LTI systems in time domain
  • To analyze continuous time signals and system in the Fourier and Laplace domain
  • To analyze discrete time signals and system in the Fourier and Z transform domain
  • To introduce the basics of C programming language.
  • To learn the concepts of advanced features of C.
  • To understand the concepts of ADTs and linear data structures.
  • To know the concepts of non-linear data structure and hashing.
  • To familiarize the concepts of sorting and searching techniques.