• Learn the basic AI approaches
  • Develop problem solving agents
  • Perform logical and probabilistic reasoning
  • To outline an overview of exploratory data analysis.
  • To implement data visualization using Matplotlib.
  • To perform univariate data exploration and analysis.
  • To apply bivariate data exploration and analysis.
  • To use Data exploration and visualization techniques for multivariate and time series data
  • To critically analyze the efficiency of alternative algorithmic solutions for the same problem
  •  To illustrate brute force and divide and conquer design techniques.
  • To explain dynamic programming and greedy techniques for solving various problems.
  • To apply iterative improvement technique to solve optimization problems
  • To examine the limitations of algorithmic power and handling it in different problems.
  • To introduce database development life cycle and conceptual modeling
  •  To learn SQL for data definition, manipulation and querying a database
  • To learn relational database design using conceptual mapping and normalization
  •  To learn transaction concepts and serializability of schedules
  • To learn data model and querying in object-relational and No-SQL databases
  • To analyze and design combinational circuits.
  • To analyze and design sequential circuits
  • To understand the basic structure and operation of a digital computer.
  • To study the design of data path unit, control unit for processor and to familiarize with the hazards.
  • To understand the concept of various memories and I/O interfacing.
  • To extend student’s logical and mathematical maturity and ability to deal with abstraction.
  • To introduce most of the basic terminologies used in computer science courses and
    application of ideas to solve practical problems.
  • To understand the basic concepts of combinatorics and graph theory.
  • To familiarize the applications of algebraic structures.
  • To understand the concepts and significance of lattices and boolean algebra which are widely used in computer science and engineering.